
Faculty Of Law

Faculty Of Law | NMU


The Faculty of Law seeks to promote justice and welfare of society via achieving scientific and cognitive excellence in various fields of law at the national, regional and global levels.


Develop skilled Lawyers with professional and competitive personal capabilities in an enabling educational environment and research programs, in keeping with national, regional and international standards and values of social justice to develop and achieve legal justice among members of the society.

Strategic Objectives

The Faculty of Law will pursue its vision and mission via commitment to the following goals:

  • To introduce leading educational programs that meet the technological developments and the national, regional and global variables.
  • To encourage innovation and creativity in the various field of law.
  • To establish an excellent academic reputation among national and regional faculties and communities.
  • To enhance the scientific research system in the field of law, geared towards serving the community and the knowledge industry by spreading the culture of scientific research and providing a supportive scientific environment and stimulating it through publication in local and international specialized periodicals.
  • To provide outstanding legal education in accordance with the standards of quality and accreditation.
  • To strengthen community partnership with bodies, companies and legal organizations.

Governing Values

The following governing values are the principles and beliefs that guide our actions to fulfil our mission. They also guide the process of setting long-term strategic goals and objectives and their implementation methods:

  • Integrity: University Staff members shall abide by ethics, honesty and integrity in all transactions. They shall uphold the principles of fairness, goodwill and respect in line with the university laws, regulations and policies that define behaviour within the community and outside.
  • Individual responsibility: University Staff members shall assume full responsibility for their respective positions and the authority they are vested, as well as their responsibility towards each other. Each individual shall perform his or her duties in accordance with the fundamental values and standards of ethical conduct, the exercise of good governance and the best interest of the institution and society.
  • Respect of the other: The faculty adheres to the principle of treating every member of the society with respect and dignity. It prohibits discrimination and harassment and provides equal opportunities to all members of the society regardless of race, colour, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, medical condition, or citizenship.
  • Transparency: The faculty seeks to create an environment in which information about its decisions and actions is accessible to everyone, to ensure the flow of information and to work in a way that allows stakeholders to maintain their interests and to make the appropriate decisions accordingly.
  • Academic Freedom: In terms of the scientific research system, the faculty seeks to maintain its scientific independence and to unleash the freedom of scientific research in a way that does not contradict with moral values.
  • Teamwork: The faculty supports team work to exchange experiences and knowledge to achieve added value that cannot be achieved singlehandedly.
  • Empowerment: The faculty seeks to provide a motivating work environment that helps to inspire the human resources via enabling them to perform their work, support, and guidance.
  • Innovation and Diversity: The faculty believes in imagination, discovery and creativity to shape new ideas and solutions that meet the changing legal needs of our society.
General Description
  • The Faculty of International Legal Transactions offers one undergraduate educational program and several outstanding postgraduate programs covering several interdisciplinary studies, such as law and technology, sports law, health law, etc.
Job Opportunities
  • Different judicial bodies.
  • Law firms.
  • Diplomatic and consular offices.
  • Legal departments in various ministries, agencies and companies.
  • International and regional organizations.
  • Civil society institutions.
Aspects of Excellence in the Programs
  • An outstanding educational program that is implemented in new legal education methods that are in line with the technological developments and local, regional and global changes, and are related to the requirements and needs of the labor market. It includes curricula that are practically applicable. The Program helps to strengthen the bridges of communication with the community and develop the local, regional and international partnerships. The Program meets the educational quality standards and academic accreditation by creating an environment conducive to education and scientific research, including infrastructure, organizational, administrative, service and information structures, and instilling ethical values ​​as integral parts of legal education
  • Public Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Political Economy & Economic Legislations
  • Islamic Sharia (Law)
  • Civil Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Civil & Commercial Procedure Law
  • History & Philosophy of Law
  • Public International Law
  • Private International Law
Dr. Samy AbdElkareem NMU

Dr. Samy AbdElkareem

Program Director