Civil Protection Workshop for University Workers
The New Mansoura University held this workshop in order to support the Civil Protection Department to carry out its task of preserving manpower by organizing several training courses and workshops to familiarize itself with how to prevent fires and train them in how to intervene quickly to save lives, installations and property in case of fire anytime and anywhere. The University Administration has also been keen to disseminate a culture of civil protection and familiarize itself with the mechanisms of firefighting, steps and proper procedures for trapping them, and to work to maximize the use of training and disseminate training expertise among workers and all those around them in order to achieve the main objective of the training, namely the dissemination of a culture of civil protection, especially the extinguishment of fires, and the dissemination of mechanisms for the preservation of the human component. The workshop included two lectures on fire incidents and control, and the role of university security when fires occur.