
Faculty Of Science

Faculty Of Science | NMU


The Faculty of Science – New Mansoura University strives to assume the leading role in basic sciences and their applications to contribute to building the knowledge society.


To provide advanced educational programs and research projects capable of providing the society with knowledge and academic cadres via an environment conducive to education, creativity, scientific research and discovery and development of new scientific knowledge to enhance our basic understanding of the physical and natural world and to explore creative problem solving techniques for the best interest of the society.

Strategic Objectives

  • Enable the learner to meet the requirements and skills of the 21st century.
  • Activate the dynamic relationship between the outputs of education and the requirements of the labor market.
  • Provide academic programs with international standards at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in modern fields and interfaces that meet the requirements of the labor market.
  • Achieve cooperation and partnerships with the societal, industrial and productive parties.
  • Diversity the sources of self-funding for the faculty
  • Establish integrated programs and integrated research teams, and integration with other disciplines.
  • Development the performance management systems.

Governing Values

  • Active learning, academic commitment and critical thinking.
  • Excellence in teaching, research and services.
  • Inclusiveness, integration and justice.
  • Safe environments for learning and research.
  • Personal and academic moral values.
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement.
Program Description
  • Industrial Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which applies physical and chemical processes on the transformation of raw materials into products that are of benefit to humanity. The goal of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry degree program is to produce graduates who will be highly skilled in this activity. This can be accomplished by first giving the students a strong foundation in chemistry, mathematics and physics. The Industrial Chemistry graduate is a chemist with knowledge linkages in engineering, chemical processing, economics and industrial management. This degree involves doing research, developing and improving properties of products we use every day through the selection of raw materials, designing chemical processes and improving the conditions of production.
Advantages of the Program
  • Industrial chemistry is part of the long chain in the design and manufacturing process. Industrial chemists deal with the ideas, the design, the testing, and prototyping of new industrial products. In order to design something entirely new to help solve the major problems of the world their essential skills are, in-depth knowledge and application of chemistry and creativity with chemicals. Industrial chemists make use of their broad understanding of chemistry and environmental sustainability in areas like pharmaceutical companies, polymer manufacturing, petrochemical processing, food science, and manufacturing industries.
Job Opportunities
  • Manufacturing and related industries such as petroleum, chemicals, ceramics, cement and polymers.
  • Food industry.
  • Electronics industry.
  • Mining industry such as iron and steel.
  • Pharmaceutical industries and health-related industries.
  • Government agencies including police, customs and defense
Program Description
  • The molecular biology program focuses on the scientific study of the structure and function of biological macromolecules and the role of molecular constituents and mechanisms in super molecular assemblies and cells.
Advantages of the Program
  • After the enormous advances made in the last few years, this is the perfect time to study molecular biology. Studying this program will give you a fundamental grounding in the study of biology whilst enabling you to decide which area of molecular biology best fits with your interests. Through this program, students have the opportunity to explore the aspects of evolutionary science, microbial genetics, the molecular basis of cancer, and much more, enabling students to choose to work in various research and development institutions around the world.
Job Opportunities
  • Field of molecular biology
  • Field of medical analysis
  • Molecular technologist
  • Agricultural research
  • Food industry
  • Healthcare Industry
Program Description
  • Forensic science is the general study of how science can be used for legal purposes. Forensic scientists range from biological researchers to chemists and they have many specialized skills. Forensic science is a diverse field that involves a wide range of skillsets. The Forensic Science Program offers a distinctive interdisciplinary approach that brings together various aspects of biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, criminal justice, physics and forensic science.
Advantages of the Program
  • The program is one of the outstanding programs that have no counterpart at the level of the faculties of science and aims to qualify the student with the scientific and practical background necessary to keep abreast of developments and techniques and to work on benefiting from the various international experiences that enable him to work in the field of forensic evidence and medical and research laboratories. As well as enable it to link the scientific analysis of evidence and law enforcement to achieve justice.
Job Opportunities
  • Chemical technician.
  • Information Security, Digital Forensic Investigator
  • Criminal evidence
  • Forensic Scientist, Forensic Science Technician
  • Legal anthropologist, criminal investigator
  • Fingerprint specialists
Program Description
  • Molecular biotechnology is the use of laboratory techniques to study and modify nucleic acids and proteins for applications in areas such as human and animal health, agriculture, and environment. Molecular biotechnology results from the convergence of many areas of research, such as molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, and cell biology. The tools of molecular biotechnology can be applied to develop and improve drugs, vaccines, therapies and diagnostic tests that will improve human and animal health. Molecular biotechnology has applications in plant and animal agriculture, aquaculture, chemical and textile manufacturing, forestry, and food processing. Every aspect of our lives in the coming decades will be affected by this dynamic field.
Advantages of the Program
  • While technology generally aims to create tools to empower man, biotechnology aims to change man himself, to better fit him to the world. Simply put, biotechnology is the application of advances made in the biological sciences, especially involving the science of genetics and its application. Biotechnology has helped improve food quality, quantity and processing. It also has applications in manufacturing, where simple cells and proteins can be manipulated to produce chemicals. But biotechnology is most important for its implications in health and medicine.
Job Opportunities
  • Research centers
  • Pharmaceutical and vaccines companies
  • Companies responsible for the development of agriculture and water purification
  • Industrial companies producing chemicals, proteins, fibers and vitamins.
  • Food inspection agencies
  • Manufacture of biopharmaceuticals
  • Genetic testing services
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • Entomology
  • Environmental sciences
  • Organic
  • Inorganic
  • Analytical
  • Physical
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Material physics
  • Optics
  • Electronics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Biophysics
  • Pure mathematics
  • Applied mathematics
  • Statistics
Prof. Samir Sakr


Prof. Samir Sakr

The Dean

The political leadership believes in the role of basic sciences and scientific research in all areas of life and that it is the locomotive of economic development. The decision to establish the Faculty of Science at New Mansoura University came in consolidation of that vision The Faculty of Science at New Mansoura University has been designed on the latest world-class standards with its laboratories of international standards and very advanced equipment to serve the educational and research process to keep pace with the tremendous development in the field of science applications in various modern fields and to provide students with the skills necessary to benefit from scientific facts and theories to interpret practical results and disseminate scientific concepts Choosing appropriate solutions to solve problems on scientific grounds and apply information technology relevant to the field effectively.

Prof. Mohamad Sorour Abdul Latif NMU

Prof. Mohamad Sorour Abdul Latif

Programs Director of Faculty of Science.