
Faculty Of Social & Human Sciences

Faculty Of Social & Human Sciences | NMU


The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences seeks to be a modern faculty characterized by creativity and excellence in learning methods and scientific research, adhering to the highest quality standards in academia and social responsibility on the local, regional and international levels.


Creating a distinguished academic environment. that provides knowledge, skills and encourages critical thinking. Empowering our graduates with competitive skills and knowledge that suits the job market. World-class scientific research in a liberal academic environment enhanced by effective social partnerships.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Equipping students with the necessary knowledge and professional skills.

  2. Building a positive personality through enhancing mental and interactive abilities

  3. Encouraging the use of the most modern learning methodologies

  4. Achieving high quality institutional governance through effective management, transparency and integrity

  5. Supporting scientific research that adheres to international standards and helps achieving sustainable development.

  6. Helping Constant development of the creativity and innovation process involved in learning, research and student activities

  7. Providing an academic environment that encourages social responsibility and volunteerism.

  8. Encouraging student involvement in social issues and societal challenges

  9. Raising Funds through research marketing.

Governing Values

  1. Excellence: introducing distinguished programs.

  2. Transparency: clear strategic plan with applied dimensions that help upgrading levels of education, learning and research production.

  3. Pioneering: achieving scientific and research reputation through high scientific performance of faculty members on local, regional and global level.

  4. Professionalism: clear institutional action plan with specific performance indicators.

  5. Self-development: work on the student's personal development as well as building his knowledge and skill capabilities.

  6. Integration: cooperation with civil society organizations and private sector.

  7. Quality: high quality programs in accordance with international standards.

  8. Partnership: a fruitful collaboration with similar programs on different levels.

  9. Social responsibility: commitment to study the social issues and problems of Egyptian society.
  1. Arabic language
  2.  English language
  3. Japanese Language
  4. French language
  5. German language

- Sociology

- Psychology

  1. Geography & cartography
  2. Geographic information systems
  3. Remote sensing

- History

- Political Sciences

  1. Library
  2. Management information systems
  3. Archives and records management

- Tourism Guidance